Most of the educational institutions out there make subject matter
the sole focus of their attention. Educators tend to master the
curriculum better than they master the art of education. In doing so,
they deny their students a more personal experience, tailored to
their learning needs and personalities.
KickAss Tutors, a budding company of young educators, recognizes that
in attempting to grasp school topics, students are likely to second
guess their own capacities, lose confidence and get overwhelmed.
We want to replace the classroom model, where subject is king,
with one where student comes first, drawing confidence from
a mentor easy to identify with and trust.
We will empower the student to take a leap of faith and overcome
the confidence-shaking school experience.
Targeting students of UCLA and USC, among other schools, KickAss
Tutors will set up a booth on each campus to give out 3D glasses,
morphed into business cards, complete with tutors' contact info,
and the website
Instead of demanding students' attention, this open invitation
places the brand right into their hands and gets them to play with
it. An effortless connection with the brand has been created.
With their 3D glasses on, students will log on to
The site's intro, made into a 3D anaglyph movie, is designed to evoke
their semester-long fears, and challenges them to have the confidence
to overcome them with the help of KickAss Tutors.
On taking the leap, students will experience a first-person 3D
free fall, safeguarded by KickAss Tutors as their only lifeline.
The fall becomes a self-check journey, that enables the user,
through a series of questions, to decide whether he is "Clear"
or "Confused" about his discipline area.
The leap quiz serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, it is
an objective tool that evaluates the user's knowledge (and his
possible need to enroll with KickAss Tutors). On the other hand,
it helps KickAss Tutors, as an organization, to spot exceptional
students, who manage an unlikely full score of 100%. These are filed
as potential tutors, to be tapped for employment later on.
Students who scored below 100% will be redirected to the site's
homepage, which hosts video testimonials of existing clients, tutor
profiles, events calendar and an interactive rate card tailored to
the user's likely subjects of interest.
To view a visualization draft of the site, play this video in full screen.
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