In the face of the familiar media clutter, another TV
series may have to arrive stillborn. Actor and producer
Piero Passatore, together with director Anthony Alleyne,
are not phased. They want to get their new series "Jonny Fredo"
out to the light.
Jonny Fredo is an actor who has recently moved from Brooklyn
to Turin. Born to Italian lineage, Fredo feels Italian by heart,
loves The Godfather, and has set a life goal for himself to
make it big, no less than Paccino or DeNiro.
A break through in Broadway or Hollywood never happened,
so Fredo decided to chase his chances in Italy. Now, with no
real grasp of the Italian language, nor the true Italian
culture for that matter, Fredo is left with yet another
challenge to overcome.
Fredo speaks of his story...
We want Jonny Fredo's story to break through to an entertainment-
obsessed community, both in Italy and elsewhere. We want to
establish a connection with striving youth, unborn stars and
sympathetic mothers alike. We want to transform Jonny Fredo
from a nobody to a newsworthy, highly-engaging character.
On the 25th of April, at 4:00 a.m., Jonny Fredo breaks
into RAI TV, one of Italy's most prominent media networks.
Fredo, desparate to get some face time with Italian audience,
takes over one of RAI UNO's studios, turns the cameras on,
and hacks valuable air time. Fredo knew that his hack will go
neither unnoticed, nor unpunished.
Sure enough, Fredo gets caught on camera, and is shortly
arrested. The story makes it on regional news videos, that
name "Jonny Fredo", loud and clear, as the RAI TV trespasser.
The various news clips will cut away to the minutes Fredo
managed to go live. It's his favorite skit where he
impersonates Tony Soprano breaking down before his psychologist,
about latent childhood insecurities. The skit ends with Italian
police rushing into the studio and capturing Fredo. One of
them yells out "Stop the camera!" in Italian.
The news clip will be seeded in broad online environments,
blogs and social networks. YouTube, Fail Blog, and Facebook
are examples. The clip will also be seeded in highly influencial
Italian web environments, specific to entertainment news, like and Zelig.TV
Jonny Fredo, the hacker.
Jonny Fredo, the idol.
Jonny Fredo, the American.
Jonny Fredo, the actor.
The news will catch momentum, and Jonny Fredo's name, along with
his controversy, will go viral.
A support group will rise to create a critical mass of
"sympathy" and get Fredo out of jail. The website to the group will tail his news in the seeded
videos mentioned above.
Curious with an unfamiliar name, our audience will resort to
the website to learn more about the Jonny Fredo story. The site,
developed in English and Italian, will conveniently be loaded
with videos of Fredo, connecting with the rest of Italy from
his jail cell.
Fredo's attorneys will update the public with his case,
and the pros and cons of his situation. They will close-
examine how he's being treated by the police, and whether
the American embassy is being active in reducing his sentence.
On the streets, news racks will carry complementary tabloids
that follow Jonny Fredo's story. The headline will read "Fredo
is free, 500,000 Euros fine paid." The inside story will feature
a handwritten apology from Fredo to the Italian public, milking
their sympathy and approval.
A free Jonny Fredo will make it into the vocabulary of the
entertainment community. One of Italy's most watched shows,
La Fattoria, will host Fredo. This is our starving actor's
ticket to his next lead role.
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